Circular Economy models encourage the elimination of waste in our supply chain, materials processing, and consumption habits. Commercial composters support this model by investing in businesses that take materials that would otherwise be shipped (in many cases) long distances to landfills, where they generate methane gas, a greenhouse gas 20 times more potent than C02 emissions from the natural breakdown of products into the environment.

When food scraps and yard clippings are captured and processed into compost, we create rich soil amendments that filter impurities in the environment, sequester carbon in the soil to fight climate change, and grow healthy, chemical-free gardens and landscapes that filter the air with their broad leaves. These materials stay within the communities where they are generated, and they help stadiums, schools, homeowners, and landscapers turn materials once wasted into beneficial products that greatly improve urban soils.
CMA addresses both the issues and opportunities around compostable products, while highlighting community sustainability models where the unrealized potential for composting, on its own, , can take landfill diversion from less than 50% to over 90% at many generator sites. CMA also addresses the critical challenge of contaminants in compost streams by working with supply chain leaders working upstream to eliminate contamination in our feedstocks. This is accomplished through CMA’s long term and extensive network of supply chain distribution partners, cities, counties and haulers working to create optimal systems for collection and sorting, large end users working with CMA on composter based acceptance standards, and consumers
A circular economy model requires all vital stakeholders to take part in the common goal and vision of expanding composting opportunities throughout our communities, and we welcome your engagement, guest blogs, and support as we evolve our organization to become an extension of yours. Please connect with us as we forge new roads that break down silos and put us on a healthy plane of interaction and engagement.